Vision & Values


To be a multi-commodity trading company with a global reach, fully integrated throughout its value chain. We are in the pursuit of all upstream and downstream trading with a special focus on Asia & Africa.


We value relationships

We believe strongly in developing and cultivating mutually beneficial long-term relationships with our partners and stakeholders. We believe in growing together and contributing to each other's success.

We are adaptable

We pride ourselves in our ability to pre-empt market changes through our continued efforts in market research and analysis. This allows us to work together with our partners to uncover opportunities ahead of the competition.

We are strategic

We think long-term. We're in it for the long haul with our partners and this value is visible in our daily efforts of engagement with all our counterparties.

We are prudent

Risk Management lies at the heart of our business. This is how we manage it:

Credit Risk

We have a stringent set of credit criteria applicable to all counterparties. We conduct a thorough credit assessment of all our potential counterparties prior to any trade. We continue to monitor such risk throughout the execution of the transaction.

Market Risk

We maintain a daily mark to market risk report through our proprietary system which keeps our exposure in check at any point in time.

Operations / Logistics Risk

We manage any risk involved throughout the logistics chain by working closely with top class logistics operators. We have an experienced and efficient operations team who are meticulous in ensuring all documentation and operations are carried out in a timely manner.